This website is by Fr. Tommy Lane, S.S.L., S.T.D. (License in Sacred Scripture, Doctorate in Sacred Theology). I have served as Adjunct Professor of Sacred Scripture in Ireland, and at the Maryvale Institute, Birmingham, UK, and as Professor of Sacred Scripture at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland. I have assisted in parishes in Italy, Austria, Germany, USA, and currently in Ireland. I have given parish missions in the USA and retreats in Ireland and accompanied pilgrims on pilgrimages and I occasionally read doctoral dissertations for students before their submission. In my spare time I develop this website.

I designed this as a website rather than a blog because many of the more than 2000 visitors every day are priests and deacons seeking homily ideas. In a blog, each new entry pushes others down making it difficult to find homily ideas for a particular Sunday quickly. But since this is a website, with just a few clicks from any part of the site, one can find past homilies for any Sunday. I continue to edit old ones and remove some.

May your visit to my site refresh you and bring you closer to the Lord Jesus.
I appreciate your prayers for my ministry. Thanks.